Norway - Maloy, Ålesund and Sunnmøre Alps

On the way to Ålesund, we stopped at the island of Maloy, located at the mouth of Nordfjord. We were intrigued by the Krakenes lighthouse - on the very tip of the island, with a cool name. It turned out to be an odd one - it didn’t have a form of an epic tower, but it was a big house with the light on the first floor.

the road to the lighthouse

Krakenes lighthouse

We slowly made our way through fjords and mountains towards Ålesund, stopping often to explore the area. Ålesund is a cute town located on a series of islands on the ocean. We arrived there just before the time of strong winds passing through Europe. Ålesund was not spared from them, and while I had to take a plane to Poland for three days due to work arrangements, Antoine stayed alone in the car in the worst storm. I was lucky to come back after the wind had calmed down (otherwise I would have freaked out in the plane if I was to land in that mayhem).

on the way to Ålesund

Ålesund by night

Sunnmøre Alps visible in the distance

After my return, we decided to ride through the Sunnmøre Alps, located to the southeast from Ålesund. It’s a region of high peaks (above 1700m a.s.l.) that is popular for skiing. Unfortunately, the season hasn’t started yet, so we settled for road tripping and hiking.

the ferry opens its jaws

fjords, mountains and speedboats

Antoine and our ride

hydroelectric powerplant

cooking birthday cake for Antoine's birthday :) the oven is this little red thingy on the cooker

raging water

the car in the wild

ferries everywhere

our road

spot the car

the entrance to the famous Geiranger fjord, motorboat for scale

Norwegian countryside

we lost the count of ferries (we will be reminded by a pile of invoices waiting home…)